
Comms at WakeUp Labs

May 28, 2024

The Fourth Optimism Mission assigned to WakeUp Labs: Impact Evaluation Framework and Dashboard

In a series of four Optimism missions, this article focuses on the final mission assigned to WakeUp Labs: Impact Evaluation Framework and Dashboard. If you're interested in the other three missions, they include the Zero Knowledge Toolkit, Superchain Accounts, and Decentralized Roll-up as a Service.

The Fourth mission.

Impact Evaluation Framework and Dashboard

What was it about?

Update and expand the Impact Evaluation Framework to align with the updated intents for Season 5, while also broadening access to the Metrics Garden via additional interfaces. By doing so, boost the utilization of current Impact Metrics and utilize a range of tools, both existing and new, to showcase impact. This will strengthen the community's capacity to recognize and bolster meaningful contributions.

WakeUp’s Proposal

Our plan to execute this project involves leveraging our technical skills alongside collaborators from the Optimism ecosystem. In the initial phase, spanning three weeks to two months, we'll conduct a thorough review and update of the framework. This includes interviews with Badgeholders, RetroPGF applicants, and other relevant stakeholders to refine the impact evaluation framework, and clearly assess whether contributors' efforts made a significant impact on OP. Subsequently, we'll create a stand-alone, interactive, and open-source website to host the updated framework.This site will allow users to input links and parameters (such as SmartContracts) to determine if the efforts were worthwhile, helping to better orient future contributions.

Following this, we'll develop a set of eight evaluation criteria aligned with Season 5's intents, ensuring their relevance and precision through Badgeholder validation. Our community engagement strategy will involve utilizing email marketing, paid advertisements, and automation to expand our audience. We plan to conduct feedback sessions with Optimism-specialized communities, both Spanish and English-speaking, to gather insights and feedback.

After gathering feedback, we'll spend three weeks refining our live interactive interface to enhance user experience. This phase will complete various milestones of the project. Finally, the project will conclude with a recap, delivered two weeks after grant completion, where we'll compile a report showcasing our progress, improvements, and user needs identified through interactions. This sets the foundation for future iterations and strategies.

Additionally, our solution will be fully open-sourced, and we'll develop educational initiatives such as an educational roadmap, public conversations to keep the community updated, and live feedback tracking modules. WakeUp Labs is committed to providing support to the project for two years after the conclusion of grant rewards, covering technical support, maintenance, hosting, bug fixes, user support, and educational and marketing initiatives.

Furthermore, we'll showcase project demos, host webinars and workshops, and propose co-marketing campaigns with universities and Optimism communities to attract more builders to our platform.

Next steps.

As we announce the final mission assigned to us, we're thrilled to continue enhancing the Optimism ecosystem.

Stay tuned for updates on these missions through our social media channels on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn. 🙌

Thanks! ✨